About Bad Mothers
Bad Mothers is where I write about all the ways women are expected to be one-dimensional mothers or potential mothers, and how that affects us all. The phrase ‘bad mothers’ is used ironically, because 1) I’m not a mother but I can see it is very hard work and I find it truly shocking when mothers are criticized; and 2) I don’t think anyone is interested in being labeled as only one thing, so I’d like to give us all permission to be bad mothers: non-mothers, mothers who have other jobs, mothers who don’t have other jobs, mothers who don’t like being mothers.
I write about complicated mother-daughter and sister relationships; essays about my own experiences with an ambivalent mother; my choice to not have kids; abortion rights; and commentary on the problematic cultural framing of women only in terms of their maternity. I see this framing every day on social media, in the news, in novels, and on TV. I want to make sure everyone sees it for what it is: diminishment. At the same time, I celebrate all the places this tired story is finally being rewritten.
About Me
I’m a writer, oldest sister, communications consultant, dog-less dog lover (still grieving my sweet Dojo), expat, spouse…
I wrote my doctoral thesis on the intersection of maternity and female bodily autonomy, with a focus on the representation of non-maternal women in literature. My own writing centers on women who do not desire children and reveals the many painful repercussions of both cultural and legal enforcement of motherhood. My publications are listed on my author website, and I have various projects in the works on the topic of bad mothers in all their forms.
I chair the Democrats Abroad UK Women’s Caucus, where I help advocate for reproductive rights. I’m from Washington, D.C., by way of Pennsylvania, but now reside with my husband in the Chiltern Hills outside London.
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Free subscribers will receive at least one newsletter from me each month, and a preview of all of my other content. Paid subscribers get at least three newsletters each month, including:
Long-form essays
Cultural commentary: I’ll share thoughts and invite discussion on all the places in the media we see women portrayed as ‘bad’ mothers.
Recommendations to useful articles, podcasts and books.
I hope that this project will contribute to a cultural shift in how we view and support women, and our role in society. If want to support my writing, please consider a paid subscription.